Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 7 - The pine and wood smoke smells of the colonel's blanket make Mo remember a happy event in her life. What smells ring memories to your mind?


  1. Pecans- Pecan tree in the back of her grandma's house. They used to pick pecans every Sunday.
    Muffins- muffins on birthdays
    Breakfast food- reminds him of Sunday breakfast
    Cows- grandpa used to own a cow farm where student would go help out
    Evergreens- reminds her of Germany
    Thanksgiving dinner- family time

  2. "Fresh smelling outdoors reminds me of summer." - Wesley P.
    "My grandma cooking reminds me of a better time." - Ashley H.
    "A certain type of cologne reminds me of my Papa." - Alexis A.
    "The smell of candles reminds me of everything." - Tyler B.
    "The smell of medicine makes me think of the hospital. That is a bad memory." - Saige C.
    "The smell of spaghetti sauce makes me think of my Nonna and Grandpa." - Mrs. Sumerlin
    "Fried chicken makes me think about my mom." - Diamond B.

  3. Pancakes - Christmas morning
    Smell of Farm - reminds her of horseback riding
    Collards - Grandma's
    Fried Chicken - Uncle's last birthday
    Fresh Linen - Grandma's house
    Pork Chops - Mom's cooking
    Cotton Candy - county fair
    Cake - wedding
    S'mores - camping with her dad
    Chocolate - his uncle's house for his birthday
    Watermelon - Grandma's birthday party
    Pool chlorine - summer time at the pool
    Salty air - when she got hit with a big wave at the beach

  4. Domino's pizza - birthday party
    Jalapeno's - a dare with a friend
    Baked pumpkin seeds - 3rd grade
    Watermelon - summer time
    Strawberry shortcake - sister's 1st birthday
    Pumpkin pie - family reunions
    Candy - Trick-or-treating

  5. Fresh carrots because it reminds me of the time I got my rabbit - Destin

    The smell of pork chops and macaroni & cheese because it reminds me of Sunday dinner - Tyler

    The smell of old house and hair spray reminds me of my grandma - Skyler

    The fresh smell of a basketball court because it remind me of when I hit Tyler off - Christian D.

    I can still smell my dog.....he's dead - Qayshun

    The smell on the 6th grade hall reminds me of my brother - Zy'Kierah

    The smell of burning wood reminds me of my childhood, I grew up on a farm - Sidney

    The smell of firewood reminds me of my late grandfather - Taylor

    The smell of fried chicken reminds me of KFC - Michael D.

    The smell of fresh cut grass because it reminds me of my first home run - Brandon

    The smell of fresh cut grass reminds me of ECU's football practice - Micheal W.

    Gun powder because it reminds me of when I shot my first skeet - Jake

    My mom's perfume reminds me of all the good times we used to have in the old brick house we used to live in - Leia

    The smell of fresh baked cookies because it reminds me of when I used to go to my aunt's house - Cameron

    The smell of rosin reminds me of when I got my first violin - Hannah

    The smell of salt water reminds me of when I went canoeing - Kyneshia

    The smell of a new car reminds me of when my dad got his new car - Emily

    The smell of biscuits because it reminds me of Bojangles - Kai

    The smell of eggs and sausage reminds me of when I first went camping - Jake

    The smell of fried chicken reminds me of when I first ate Popeyes - Christian D.

    The smell of fresh cut grass reminds me of football and being with my coach - Tyler

    The smell of rain on the pavement on a hot sunny day reminds me of when I was a child and playing in the rain in my bathing suit - Ms. Wagner

    The smell of chlorine reminds me of swim practice - Ms. Wagner

    The smell of paper and sharpened pencils remind me of the first days of school - Campbell

  6. Old Spice aftershave reminds me of my father, who died many years ago.
    pine trees- my uncle's house on Thanksgiving nights
    cows- remind me of my step-dad who used to work in the stockyards
    fresh paint- spending time with my parents painting murals
    apples- reminds me of my mom's apple pie
    bubble gum- reminds me of my dad's truck
    blueberries- reminds me of when my mom makes waffles and muffins
    nail polish- reminds me of my sister painting her nails
    mint-reminds me of an older family friend who always has Icebreakers and offers one to me
