Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 5 - How do you think Dale's "arrest" will affect the story (the investigation and his social life)?


  1. We think that Dale will probably still be on punishment (cleaning out the tobacco barn), but enjoying the fame.
    We also believe that people in town will not want to hang out with Dale and everyone will be talking about it.
    We believe that the killer will be sloppy now that Dale is in "custody."

  2. Dale will become known as a killer or a bad person instead of a nice kid. More popular people might start talking to him. Other people might start avoiding him. The actual murderer might become sloppy & get caught. People will be talking about Dale more in Tupelo Landing. The murderer might keep killing people.

  3. We think that the killer is going to slip up or make a mistake . He is going to show up at the memorial service. People will look down on him but then honor him when they find out he is innocent. Think the investigation will have to be more quiet so the killer doesn't think they are continuing with looking for evidence. - Esarey

  4. Dale's arrest will affect his social life in many ways. He won't be able to go fishing with Mo, he can't go to his brother's races and he can't hangout with his friends. Dale won't have to clean out the tobacco barn anymore and he will be considered "famous". Another positive was that Anna Celeste lost her blackmail on him and Mo. Dale's arrest will affect the investigation because if a crime happens while he's in custody, it could lead them to another suspect.

  5. Social Life - more popular in a bad way - Michael Webb
    Social Life - he has to do his homework in jail - Axel Hernandez
    Social Life - looked at as a thief - Tyler Brown
    Investigation - the investigation will be over - Christian Dixon
    Investigation - the killer will show up - Michael Dickens
    Investigation - the killer might not show up and Dale will stay arrested - Destin Jones
    Story - Mo will not have a partner for the investigation - Skyler Rouse
    Investigation - the process would slow down - Sidney Tripp
    Investigation - Mrs. Lana, Mo, and Mrs. Rose will solve the investigation - Alex Perry
    Social Life - his notifications(Facebook) are going to get blow up - Christian Dixon
    Social Life - people will stay away from him - Destin Jones
    Story - the Colonel will spoil the fake arrest - Axel Hernandez
    Story - if Dale is in jail the killer might kill again - Micheal Webb
    Story - Dale will be better behaved - Destin Jones
    Story - the book will be more interesting - Brandon Benfield
    Investigation - there is a connection to the first murder that was being investigated by Joe Starr - Skyler Rouse

  6. Dale will become popular in town. His arrest may cause the real murderer to become relaxed and make a mistake to get caught.
