Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 8 - How does Mo come to understand more about Dale's home situation? What does she do with this information? What would you do if you knew that a friend's parent was abusive?


  1. Mo sees the bruises on Dale so she tells him that she will fight Dale's dad if he gets abusive around her. Some students would tell another adult or the cops about the situation. Some would stay out of the situation to prevent further problems.

  2. Mo sees scars and bruises on Dale. Dale shows anger toward Mo when she talks about her mother because she thinks she's the only one who has family problems. Mo has seen Dale's dad at the cafe after he had been drinking.
    Mo keeps it to herself until she and Dale have a fight and she reveals that she knows more about Dale's father than he thought.
    If one of us had a friend whose parent was abusive, we would let that friend live with us, call social services, or an anonymous tip line.

  3. "Mo knew that his father was abusive because of the bruises and marks." - Quentin

    "If I found my friend's parents were abusive, I would invite them to stay at my house." - Diamond B.

    "If I found out a friend's parents were abusive, I'd call Social Services." - Tyler B

  4. I would tell a teacher or my parents - Michael D.

    I would file a DSS report - Sidney

    I would hide under the bed and protect my friend - Christian D.

    I would tell him to come to my house and hang out with me - Tyler

    I would ask to see what I could do and protect him in any way I can - Taylor

    I would get my dad - Michael W.

    I would put them on the show bully beat down - Jake

    Tell my parents and go to the police - Axel

    I would go to my friends house and take pictures - Micheal W.

    I would record it and turn it in to the police - Tyler

    I would beat the other guy up - Alex

    I would get Jackie Chan - Qayshun

    I would go to my parents and a teacher and stand by my friend through a very difficult time - Mrs. Yiznitsky

    I would let my parents know and go to the authorities - Campbell

  5. Mo learns of Dale's situation by seeing his scars or bruises. She told Dale that she would beat his dad up.
    I would tell Social Services about the abuse.
    I would tell my parents.
    I would let an adult know.
    I would have my friend to come stay with me.

  6. She noticed scars and bruises on her friend. Said if she sees him hitting Dale she would karate him.
    Offer for them to stay with you when they needed it.
    Let an adult know .
