Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 3 - Anna Celeste and her mother treat Mo unkindly and Mo feels it is unjust. Describe a situation when someone has treated you unkindly without justification.


  1. Parents fussing at their older children, expecting them to act responsible.

  2. I called foul when I was playing basketball with my cousin and I didn't get the ball back. - Christian Dixon

    My brother and his friend kicked me off the XBox after I just turned it on - Jedidiah Yiznitsky

    I went to my friend Tony's house and everyone got two slices of pizza and I didn't get any - Cameron Hardison

    I was playing football with my brothers and I was the only one getting hit hard - Micheal Webb

    My dad and my brother would not let me play NBA 2K because I did not finish my chores - Qayahun Atkinson

    The boys were cheating in Ms. Wagner's class and they didn't get in trouble - Ashantee Hooper

    My younger brother would not let me in the front door so I went into the back door and locked him out - Alex Perry

    My teammate was on my leg and I yelled for him to get off and the referee almost gave me a penalty - Tyler Brown

    My sister licked my face while my mom was cutting my hair and I didn't get a chance to get her back - Skyler Rouse

    They called a foul on me in gym for slapping the ball out of someone's hand and it wasn't being called on anyone else - Axel Cano-Hernandez

    I stopped getting Easter baskets when I was 20 and my sister got Easter baskets until she was 25 - Ms. Wagner

    I think its unfair that my class volunteered me to participate in the karate demonstration and not Mrs. Kern - Campbell

  3. One of my students got in trouble for something that got broken and it was her friend that broke it. Money was taken out of her allowance. - Esarey
