Day 10: Unlike Dale's family, Mo, the Colonel, and Miss Lana are not related by blood. What makes them a family?
Day 9 - Mo's family follow the 3 day rule. What are some rules your family follows?
Day 8 - How does Mo come to understand more about Dale's home situation? What does she do with this information? What would you do if you knew that a friend's parent was abusive?
Day 7 - The pine and wood smoke smells of the colonel's blanket make Mo remember a happy event in her life. What smells ring memories to your mind?
Day 6 - The book states: "As it turned out, Mr. Jesse was more popular dead than alive." What does this mean? Would you rather be more popular while you are alive or after you are dead? Why?
Day 5 - How do you think Dale's "arrest" will affect the story (the investigation and his social life)?
Day 4 - Dale's Mama grounds him and makes him clean out an old tobacco barn because he left the house after his curfew. Do you think this is a fair punishment? If not, what punishment is fair? What punishment would you receive if you left home in the middle of the night?
Day 3 - Anna Celeste and her mother treat Mo unkindly and Mo feels it is unjust. Describe a situation when someone has treated you unkindly without justification.
Day 2 - Dale's family believes in naming for the famous. What would you name yourself or your pet?